2016/09/20 - 23:08 in JavaFX

JavaFX JumpStart @ JavaOne

You can find the slides of my talk here: http://www.slideshare.net/HendrikEbbers/javafx-jumpstart-javaone-2016
2016/02/09 - 13:18 in JavaFX

JavaFX and CSS: Pseudo Classes

In my last post I gave a quick overview of the how CSS can be used in JavaFX by styling nodes based on an id or style classes. Today…
2016/02/07 - 23:20 in JavaFX

JavaFX and CSS

One of the cool features of JavaFX is the CSS support. By using CSS you can simply style a single control or a complete application.…
2016/02/04 - 10:56 in General

GuiGarage 2.0

Today I start a new version of my blog. Next to migrating all the posts to this new version I will add some new content. Since JavaFX…
2016/02/04 - 10:44 in Dolphin Platform, JavaFX, Polymer

Dolphin Platform 0.8 has beed released

Yesterday we released version 0.8 of Dolphin Platform. The version contains several bugfixes and some new features that I want to…
2016/02/04 - 10:43 in Web Frontends

Round Images with CSS

In this post I will show the easiest way how a rounded image can be defined in CSS. This example is for HTML. If you want to create…
2016/02/02 - 09:40 in General, Layout & UI

How to choose the right color

When creating a new control or a complete application I often ask myself what colors I should use for visualization. When defining…
2016/01/15 - 15:19 in JavaFX, Web Frontends, WebComponents

Reference Cards for JavaFX, Web Components and Open Dolphin

For JavaLand 2015 we (Canoo) created some small reference cards for technologies that we are currently involved in or committed…
2016/01/13 - 09:24 in IoT, JavaFX

The JavaOne Voting Machine

If you visited JavaOne this year you should have noticed the Voting Machines that were placed at each session room at JavaOne. By…

Dolphin Platform and Polymer

Starting with version 0.7 the Dolphin Platform JavaScript and Polymer API has been released. Now you can easily create desktop,…
2015/12/16 - 09:59 in Dolphin Platform

Dolphin Platform 0.7 has been released

We released version 0.7 of the Dolphin Platform today. Next to the framework we updated the Spring Boot archetype for Maven and…
2015/12/02 - 19:49 in Dolphin Platform, JavaFX

Dolphin Platform Jumpstart

Starting with a new technology is often hard. Even if the technology is documented and follows the pattern and structures that you…
2015/11/30 - 22:51 in JavaFX, Layout & UI

Round images with JavaFX

In modern UI you can often find round avatar images like shown in this image: Creating this special UI nodes with JavaFX isn't that…
2015/11/30 - 22:49 in General, JavaFX

Styling a JavaFX Scrollbar

Styling a scrollbar in JavaFX isn't that easy since it it composed of several internal nodes. Thanks to CSS all the internal nodes…
2015/11/16 - 19:50 in JavaFX

JavaOne After Event with some cool talks

The JUG Switzerland has announced an event with some talks of the JavaOne 2015. You can find all information here. I'm happy that…